Igiene sessuale – Le misure che dovresti prendere in consideration as an escort Published on 28/07/2021 By God

Igiene sessuale – The measure that devi turns on in consideration as an escort

One of the most important lavori che abbiamo short north zoneOltre to soddisfare sesualmente i our clients, this imparando to maintain a routine di sexual hygiene severe

Il costante accoppiamento, with or without a condom; It implies that you are fighting infections in our intimate area or infected with any other form of STD, if you are one of those who consent to a little more intimate.

Il sexual hygiene Adeguato è essenziale para preservare la nostra salute, ma anche per assicurarci di non creare cattive impressioni sui clienti; When you participate in an appointment and if you suddenly notice a cattivo odor or irritation in the intimate area.

For this reason, to aiutarti adattare la tua normale routine di toelettatura con il abitudini di hygiene sessuale devi avere a VIP escort, in this article we point out that daily care is necessary to protect your intimate security and those of your clients, first and foremost a sexual act.

Photo 1 Igiene sessuale – Le misure che dovresti prendere in consideration as an escort

Abitudini to maintain good sexual hygiene when I am an escort

First of all, it is important to note cos'è l'igiene sessuale, if you are going to take care properly of what you are sexually and avoid future complications.

Il sexual hygiene If you refer to the mode in which you polish or keep your intimate area polished, prime and do the sexual act. Some rituals of cleaning; Commonly commercialized to guarantee the cure of some are of your body, it can be effectively done for males that are well used.

Therefore, it is precise short independent I broke up with my intimate hygiene that potrebbero farti del male. Ad esempio l'excessiva pulizia con saponi fumati, o la necessità di ricorrere a lavaggi profondi in vagina dopo il rapporto sessuale.

Many of these suggestions are statistically verified by the professions of health and sessuology, who will confirm that they will help you build your rituals of sexual hygiene in safe mode.

Igiene sessuale: Pulizia prima dell'atto

Prima di go to any appointment with a client, it is normal to ensure that I will accurately wash our body, especially when the day starts with a previous client.

You can choose to use lotions with any aroma or essential oils in the Basque bagno if preferred, but for your intimate area it is advisable to polish the area with neutral or non-perfumed soap. Le stanze chimiche contenute nella maggior parte dei saponi commerciali alterano il pH della vagina y irritano la pelle; Leasing it lean against the infection very easily più.

In this answer, for that reason it is advisable to wash the vagina to cleanse the inside of the intimate zone first or during the sexual intercourse. Secondo gli specialisti, questi bagni sono dannosi perché rimuovono part of the cervical mucus necessary to lubricate and protect the vagina; I have allocated an area intended for polishing naturally thanks to the fluid that it produces.

Photo 2 Igiene sessuale – Le misure che dovresti prendere in consideration as an escort

Who will go through this practice or perfume the prime area of ​​the lascerebral brain in your area, which is incredibly vulnerable to bacteria and fungi; quindi l'esposizione alle malattie sesualmente trasmissibili sarebbe maggiore. On the contrary, a healthy practice to help in the sexual hygiene She is walking in the bathroom to urinate first to start the sexual contact. I have shown that with this abitudine the possibility of counteracting a malattia or an infection if riducono di cualche point.

Infine, pay particular attention to washing your hands and teeth first of all to have rapport with any client. When you arrive at the place of the appuntment, if you do not see the offer immediately, give the client the possibility of using the structure and polishing this part accurately.

Currently, if the mouth contains batters that cannot be easily transferred during the session, they are not properly polished. In this way, close to convincing your partner to do this to avoid being the recipient of potent malatti eat gonorrhea.

Igiene sessuale: Pulizia dopo l'atto

After finishing the contact session, it is consigliabile sexual hygiene barely possible; Preferably, I enter 15 minutes to smear naturally scum or batter that can only be deposited in the bladder with penetration.

Ciò will not only favor the cleansing of the intimate area, but will also notably prevent the indesiderate urinary infection troupe.

Avoid all the costs of reusing the intimate linen that you dossavi at the beginning, this will only help the proliferation of microbes in your intimate area causing irritation and cattivo odor. Therefore, assicurati sempre di portare nel portafoglio alcuni pezzi di ricambio di biancheria intima, se il tuo appuntamento è fuori casa.

Infine, make a doccia if you don't have the possibility, wash the new teeth and the mouth. This is important to eliminate from the body, and from the intimate zone, any germs or batteries that might cause infections.

Photo 3 Igiene sessuale – Le misure che dovresti prendere in consideration as an escort

Raccomandazioni per quanto reguarda i peli pubici

sebbene eats short vip The part of a deeply rooted routine to keep ours are sessuali deprived of film, the truth is that this practice is harmful for the salute sessuale.

The hair protects the vulva and eliminates it completely, especially if you maintain a very active sexual life; lascia l'area non protetta ad altri tipi di infezioni vaginali. Therefore, a raccomandazione dates from the specialists for how much riguarda il sexual hygiene, è just tagliarlo quanto vuoi ma non raderlo.

Sebbene ciò possa essere a po' difficile da rispettare in this job, è opportuno tenerne conto per adottare misure precautionalis più rigorose; soprattutto sei one of those who prefers avere le proprieta are sessuali completamente pulite.


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