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Cittadella di Yamil ZO $50

Yamil ZO (21)

Citadel buffer stock

Scorte della Cittadella

Can the escort of Ciudadela fall in love with a client?

The escort of Ciudadela is very serious about our work and we see what it is: a work. 

For this reason we do not mix our feelings with our work, in the way that nessuna delle parti come danneggiata.

Quasi nessuna of noi escort of Ciudadela if we find in the situation of falling in love with one of our clients. Sebbene esista always la possibilità che ciò accada, è meglio per noi noi ser noovamente que el cliente e prendere le distance.

Perché a compagno de Citadel dovrebbe rifiutarsi serve a client?

There are several reasons why some of us may not serve a client. Questi fattori possono dipendere delle regole e delle condizioni che l'accompagnatore stabilisce per ciascuno degli appuntamenti.

Tuttavia, one of the main fattori per cui gli escort of Citadel can be rifiutarsi to serve a client è perché hanno avuto a cattivo ateggiamento during the conversations, have no riduzione of the tariffa or abbiamo già a brutta experience with this client.

What does a prostitute from Ciudadela do if a client annuls the complaint?

We always ask our clients to make an appointment with noi when it is completely safe to return the service. However, we understand that it is possible to verify unforeseen events.

If the customer cancels any first day, it is not a problem. Ma diventa completely diverse se ci disdicono poche ore prima dell'appuntamento. The mode in which we reagiremo will start from the beginning of the night.

Può darsi que la ragazza ti addebiti una percentage per il tempo che avrebbe dovuto tracorrere con te, ma al quele no hayi participato. Inoltre, potrebbero decidere di non fornire più i propri servizi a te o a qualsiasi altra algo.

Everything will depend on the night and the reason why the application is status annullato.

Can I increase the duration of my application with a VIP accompagnatrice from Ciudadela?

Generally it is not a thing that can fare, but as can imagine depends on different things. Ogni minute of the time of an escort from Ciudadela counts for i soldi and non dovresti dimenticarlo.

The escort of Ciudadela Svolgono is this profession in independent mode, which means che; Other than a lot of competitions, we occupied ourselves with all the management and our appuntamenti during the weekend. 

We may agree to increase the application hours with noi, purché abbiamo the availability of time to serve you and your six in degree to pay an extra. If these conditions are not safe, they will be very difficult for us to decide to extend our incarico.

Could you do anything to do with my moglie and an escort from Ciudadela?

Definitely yes.

This is one of the richest services of the escort of the Citadel, but also involves the introduction of a third person to the sexual rapport. In general, one of the coinvolte parties has not seen rapporti to three and vuole felt safety and protection. This is exactly what we can do for you.

The most important thing is that all parties agree with the service and knowledge of the parole security. In this way, the service will be focused on one person or if 3 people actively participate in the entire process.

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