Excessive contact – A problem for your accompagnators Published on 26/04/2023 by Carlos

Excessive contact – A problem for your accompagnators

Because of the nature of the work of the VIP Accompaniment of Buenos Aires, excessive contact It alone generates much more confusion and concern than dissatisfaction. This perché, come chiunque altro, are not abituati to this type of vicinanza.

Indeed, if you are a customer, please contact us as soon as possible; now you will know that this may cause any problem.

Perché il contact in eccesso può essere negative?

Il excessive contact You can verify it in different ways; If you process messaggi costanti, chiamate ogni giorno, process e-mail, also controlling consecutively and own social network, facendo social invitations or other.

Ma che danno può cause that this does not c'è any rapporto con l'opera che il puttane di Belgrano esercitano, questo excessive contact It will cause a loss of time and energy when it starts. This does not mean any prenotation is lost in time and time; In addition, there is also energy, time and potential for frustration.

Photo 1 Excessive contact – A problem for your accompagnators

Get extra contact

  • I will generate pause in the VIP Accompaniment of the Federal Capital I chiami him constantly. This is what he will render right now, he will think that he is compulsive and that he has no limits.
  • MEN'S excessive contact, the escort crederanno che stai losing tempo and che non prenoterai mai. Finirai per annoiarti.
  • Ti fiuterà, perché hai impiegato tempo che lei potrebbe investire in qualcuno che genererà entere. 
  • If you desideri ottenere a prenotazione, the companion may ignore you or addirittura bloccarti.

How much contact is appropriate?

If you don't know the Caballito's Companion And if you intend to prenotare, it is not possible to write it directly, prenotare it so when you might find it. Please leave a comment on your recent blog, blog or Twitter.

This will give you a temporary message, one in which you do not receive it excessive contact, please make a public contact and read if you will feel very safe in the response.

The contact we have with you is very prudent, without disturbance, with total respect and infrequent. When you have a prenotation, write it down or write it opportunely and render everything exciting, without bothering you, affinché all the beginnings and scorra bene.

When you have made the application with the accompaniment of your voice, you will have to contact all the data incontro, do not write the fine all the data agree.

What information can you provide at the time of prenotation?

Talk a little, general information; come la tua età, cosa fai, qualsiasi gusto sessuale particolare che sia rilevante, tra gli altri. Non dimenticare di indicare il giorno, l'ora, anche il luogo in cui desideri che si svolga l'incontro e la sua durata.

Prima fornisci queste informazioni alla scorta, meglio è. In this way you will know that he is serious, that he is genuine, that he is not playing with his reading and his time. Avoid il excessive contact!

If you are slow to talk long, I might think that you are wasting time. Quindi fin dal primo messaggio che invii dovresti parlare di “prenotazione”, puoi also porre a giorno para vere se c'è or less availability.

Anche se ci sono eccezioni alla regola! esistere Escort North Zone I offer a package that specifies that I can send SMS, video chat or similar at an additional cost. If this is what you want, please select this type of service.

Photo 2 Excessive contact – A problem for your accompagnators


For all that is the status of the above, be careful with it. excessive contact with a scorta. A volte parlare both and constantly generates only stanchezza, noia and anche paura; Potrebbero I think that you are a stalker and trytarti di conseguenza. Avoid it!

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