Gola Profonda – Il film erotico più sexy di tutti i tempi Published on 29/10/2021 by Carlos

Deep Throat – Il film erotico più sexy di tutti i tempi

Deep Throat This is one of the most controversial films all the time. Per l'época in which I was published, nei primi anni '70; This film è passedato dall'essere an amatoriale film to one that has completely started, it comes out cinematografiche. This film has revolutionized the porn industry, being one of the best that has shown how a production in this category could be perfectly reddit.

Molti scandali circondavano all i lavoratori di Deep Throat, il suo lowo budget, che si ipotizza sia stato ottenuto dalla mafia, è stato suficiente para registere un nastro la cui plot, non così elaborata, ha attirato l'attenzione di centinaia di migliaia di persone.

So much fame and so much criticism for being a film that promotes the oscene, porterebbe to the government of President Nixon, negli USA; Aprire un'inchiesta per determinare l'impatto sui buoni valori delle famiglie americane e la cattiva influenza rappresentata dalla proiezione di materiale pornografico nelle sale cinematografiche. This investigation has led to the arrest of the principal attorneys and to the protest of some attorneys, for violation of the freedom of expression.

Photo 1 Gola Profonda – Il film erotico più sexy di tutti i tempi

Sinossi gola profonda - La piedra miliare dell'industria del porno

The film directed by Gerard Damiano luoghi Linda Lovelac Nei panni di Linda, a young prostitute who has never raged to orgasm. Her roommate, say name Helen, worried about her friend, assumes various ragazzi to stare sexually with the law; Even if this does not affect her situation, she has not yet reached orgasm, and she did feel very frustrated.

Convinced of seeing something that does not work, decide to go to a specialist, who will give you a medical advice; Because of this, she finds Dr. Young, a gynecologist interested in her case and with whom she has had various seduces. Surprise di entrambi, scoprono che il motivo biologico por cui non hanno un lieto fine nei parrot rapporti sessuali è dovuto al parrot organo del piacere; Vale a dire, il suo clitoride de ella, ce l'ha in gola.

Deep Throat si svolge in mezzo a situazioni esilaranti, con comicità dai tocchi assurdi; showing that the sensuality of linda lovelece It was più che sufficient to attirare lo sguardo degli uomini; At that time, I was used to being extremely voluptuous and irritable in porn.

Historical story of the film Gola Profonda

Negli anni '70 l'industria pornografica cresceva, ma era ancora tenuta clandestina, all'ombra di una moralità collettiva; that secretly Godeva gave pornographic material, but publicly criticized it.

When a film with such an impact comes Deep Throat Venuto alla luce, la società del tempo impazzi; Many andavano to the cinema, only because it was the argument of the moment and non volevano essere exclusi dalle conversazioni di gruppo.

The administration of President Richard Nixon has ordered the FBI to investigate his tutto ciò che riguardava il nastro; voleva promuoverne il silenzio, impedendo che venisse proiettato nelle sale cinematografiche commerciali. But the one that was initiated as a final persecution to collaborate in the divulgation of deep gola, che has finito per cassare otro $ 30 milioni.

Photo 2 Gola Profonda – Il film erotico più sexy di tutti i tempi

Ma chi was Linda Lovelece?

Linda Susan Boreman better known eats linda lovelece It was a porno actress who has been washed by the end of the age; If I know that she was the figlia of a policeman and a chambermaid cattolici estremisti, che treated her very male; che ella l'avrebbe costretta a scappare di casa non appena ella ne avesse avuto la possibilità. It is because she has not hired her fiancee cousin Charles Traynor, who was also a violent man and was sold by her magnaccia.

Not if clearly, if linda lovelece She has eaten as a prostitute and as a porn actress, per obligo or per libera volontà; Perché many opinions and testimonials if found out. Ma senza dubbio, il film Deep Throat sarebbe quello che lo collocherebbe nell'arena pubblica e dopo; he if sarebbe ritirato dal mondo della recitazione dopo diversi fallimenti.

Linda Sarebbe died in 2002 in a street incident, when she was offered for several health problems; As the contracted epatite gives a blood transfusion and cancer to the breast, it caused the silicone injection in the breast.

Cos'è the deep throat? – Technique sessuale sicura or non sicura?

This sexual technique is popular in the film Deep Throat, consists of the introduction of the male member in the mouth of the lady; That if he tilts to an angle that allows him to accogliere the fine penis to her interest, touching her neck.

It is a practice that can be very exciting because in the practice, its risk consists of the ostruction of the respiratory system. Ma eat deep throat without what is wrong? I participante devono establish a warning signal, which will indicate when the air starts to slow down or when the sensation of heating exceeds a limit.

I know well cos'è the deep throat e spieghi al tuo partner sessuale, quali sono i rischi ei vantaggi di praticarlo; Dovrebbe esserci alcuna eventualità, quindi l'importante è maintaine buona comunicazione tra i due.


Deep Throat Notwithstanding this controversy, he has allowed himself to consider the pornographic film as part of the popular culture and the success that was in degree of ottenere when they were prohibited. Have also permission to know the life of porn artists; così come tutto ciò che accade dopo quel mundo e l'impatto che ha sulla vita dei suoi protagonististi.

This film has given the public the opportunity to get to know better the prostitution and the sexual practice that we come to gesture; Infatti some escort of the time stopped and started ad eseguire this technique given the richness of the clients, who wanted to feel the idea that came transmessa in this production.

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