The most expensive prostitutes in the world - Meet the most sought-after escorts Posted on 15/10/2021 By Carlos

The most expensive prostitutes in the world - Meet the most sought-after escorts

There are always categories for all things and most expensive prostitutes in the world they enter the list; as the highest category of women who offer sexual services for exorbitant prices, that only a great businessman or artist could afford. In the ranking the most expensive escorts in the world there are those that are so exclusive; They can only be hired by recommendation and in addition to that, they require expensive gifts.

Athletes, politicians and celebrities are the ones who have access to these famous prostitutes They have a very high salary, as if to indulge in this kind of luxury; because yes, it is really a luxury to have a date, a day or a whole night with these women. For starters, they usually only offer services for a few hours, have eccentric requests, and have their own referral agencies. VIP escorts.

Una expensive luxury escort is not for everyone, or at least certainly not for ordinary wage earners, because even if you manage to raise money for a whole year, you will very possibly be short of money when hiring the most expensive prostitutes in the world.

Characteristics most expensive escorts in the world

Within the escort service, the so-called "luxury whores" in some countries in Europe and North America; are those whose rates are above a few thousand euros or dollars. They are so peculiar, that some are so difficult to know or contact, because they hide their data and only use a nickname with their fixed customers.

They are usually related to the artistic world, to the point that it is rumored about a series of select escorts; They offer their services at film festivals, such as Cannes or Venice, for those actors, directors and wealthy staff who attend these social and entertainment events.

On the other hand, you are most expensive prostitutes in the world they usually dress in designer clothes and unique jewelery items.

Photo 1 The most expensive prostitutes in the world – Meet the most sought-after escorts

The 10 most sought-after escorts on the market - Find out how much they earn

Zahia Dehar

The cause of the sexual hubbub in the international media, when it shook the European sports world in 2010, it not only left footballers Karim Benzema and Franck Ribery in trouble; He also took advantage of his spark of fame to venture into Paris as a model. So your rate skyrocketed; in fact, it is believed that he started charging 1200 dollars and now they are around 3000.

Loredana Jolie

Also being related to the world of sports, but of the rich men who play golf, as is the case of Tiger Woods; to which a scandal was also made, as if the famous did not have the right to hire one of the most expensive escorts in the world. The rate for this fiery chestnut is believed to be around $ 2000 a night; only for those eager to taste their lip

Just kassandra

Short-haired, this girl likes to massage her clients with essential oils and captivating aromas; therefore, he likes the fine aromas and the sensations of heat generated by rubbing the skin together with the oils. Only 27 years old, the photos of this girl with a skirt and unruly hair show her powerful personality; so one night with her is more than $ 3000.

Ashley dupre

This 36-year-old former prostitute is remembered for being part of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal. When she offered her services, the amount that a person had to pay to be with her was approximately $ 4300; turning it back then as one of the most expensive prostitutes in the world.

Maya blue

We do not know if it is for vanity or to gain energy for the sexual encounter that she will have later, but it is rumored that this escort demands a dinner of not less than 2000 dollars of consumption; and subsequently, the client must pay a figure of 4500 for one night.

Photo 2 The most expensive prostitutes in the world – Meet the most sought-after escorts

Ava Xi'an

Among the latests Moravia's compositions most expensive escorts in the world is Ava Xi'an. With her peculiar contact name, Ava originally from the United States, she demands from her clients a gift of underwear of no less than $ 3000; That is if the person wants to enjoy their services for just two hours, with a value of $ 6500.

Natalie McLennan

It is part of the famous prostitutes and one of the most expensive. Each meeting lasts just 3 hours and a figure of $ 16.000 is pocketed, but not before taking her for a walk in New York; where you will ask to go to restaurants with Michelin stars and ask to try the most expensive dishes on the menu.

Lauren Kelley (For recommendations only)

One night with her costs about $ 26.000; that is, a figure as large as what an artist could earn in a project or a footballer in an initial contract. The funny thing is that she can only be contacted by references from people who have already been with her.

Loredana Jolie

Although it is said its rate is only $ 15.000, the detail is that it spends much more than that on dinners, gifts and celebrations; so he thinks his figure can go up to 30.000.

Michelle Braun - Ranked number one

It is simply the unattainable for any mortal. His fee reaches $ 50 and he has only been associated with a few businessmen; In addition to that she earns money for having her own escort agency.


As you will see, the most expensive prostitutes in the world They are women of a higher level and that only a few can have the pleasure of paying. Although in the same way there are still women at your fingertips and for more reasonable figures; So, if you want to find out more about the world of escorts, keep reading: High level escorts y Luxury escorts.

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