Female orgasms in 3 minutes: Keys on how to provoke it Posted on 16/11/2020 By God

Female orgasms in 3 minutes: Keys on how to provoke it

It is very important for men that we know a fundamental fact about the female orgasm. And it is that many of the women do not manage to reach this during their sexual relations, feeling little pleasure. 

Sexual pleasure according to studies

Photo 1 Female orgasms in 3 minutes: Keys to how to provoke it

It should be known that according to a study of the Sex360 project, which has been disseminated by the 'Heraldo de Aragón', in Spain, two out of three people are dissatisfied with their sex life

The research was conducted from almost 4.000 surveys. The result was that women show the highest sexual satisfaction. To be more specific, it is 35,1%, compared to 28,2% for men. Why do surveys provide results where sexual pleasure is so far below the ideal percentage, and why are women still higher than men in the percentage? If we want to raise the numbers for both men and women, and at the same time understand why the percentage of sexual pleasure in women is higher, we should think about oral sex. Known as "Kivin method”Is based on un different cunnilingus. You probably haven't tried it yet and judging by the results it promises, would you like to meet him

If what you are looking for is to start trying it, it is time you start practicing. You will be able to reach your wife in three minutes and in an extremely intense way.

Some experiences about the female orgasm

Photo 2 Female orgasms in 3 minutes: Keys to how to provoke it

 “I have always liked performing oral sex with my partners and it often gave good results,” explains a user on Reddit. “But with my wife my techniques never brought her to full orgasm. She's always on point, but she never gets it there. It's good foreplay, but sometimes I'd like to just focus on her and give her a good orgasm." “I recently decided to try new things and heard about the Kivin method,” she continues. "Some describe it as the guarantee of success in bed and say that most people reach orgasm in just three minutes, but surely nothing happens until after ten." It must be recognized that the short time required is perhaps too much. We find out that 'Cosmopolitan' magazine has spoken with Annabelle Knight, a sexologist, to see if it really works as they say.

How to perform this 3 minute method

According to Knight, Not only is it possible to achieve it in the short stipulated time, but also in 60% of cases it is achieved that women have better and much faster orgasms. Says the sexologist: "Instead of placing the head between the legs as usual, your partner should stand on his side. Then se places the index finger and thumb on either side of the clitoris to lift and stabilize it, and later, instead of licking the vulva up and down, it is done from side to side, directly through the hood of the clitoris".

"This manages to stimulate a wider area of ​​the female organ than if it is done by the conventional method", Explica.

Some tips for this female orgasm mode

Photo 3 Female orgasms in 3 minutes: Keys to how to provoke it

Of course, what seems most difficult for us is to get the position, although the results are worth it. "It is better to approach above the thighs than below. With the left hand, your lover can place the middle finger of the other hand on the perineum (the area between the vagina and the anus) to feel more deeply for muscle contractions and control when you are approaching orgasm. It is at that moment when you have to go to the clitoris and stimulate it with your tongue"

The keys to this theory lies in the change of the position of the hands. Thus, it is possible to lick the entire hood of this area. If this is achieved correctly, it means that new variations are being worked on that deepen the intensity of sensations.

The muscle spasms, in the meantime, they are able to determine the exact moment in which to reduce or increase the pressure or the rhythm. That's whyExercise requires great alertness and attention. Of course we believe from ArgentinaXP that it is worth it. 

The most important thing, as in any other sexual position, is feel close to your partner. From this proximity it is possible to forge a deep and empathetic connection. In this way, communication is achieved such that it allows you know where your companion's desire is heading. To the point that this connection can occur, that you manage to conduct the sexual act successfully without her even giving you recommendations. At that point the skill speaks for itself. 

At the beginning, finding the position can be uncomfortable or difficult. Anyway you can clearly see that it will have been worth it. Getting your partner to orgasm in just five to ten minutes can brilliantly turn on your partner, compared to the 15 or 20 she is used to (and only if you're lucky and if you succeed ). 

Some comments for the good lover

Photo 4 Female orgasms in 3 minutes: Keys to how to provoke it

It is necessary to know that each person is a world, and although this is a great technique, of course, like everything in life, the sensation is not guaranteed either. However, in practice, it will give you tools to live much more fulfilling and fun sexual relationships. In any case with better results. Always the path of curiosity, experimentation, and understanding of your partner's body and their erogenous zones will bring a lot to your life.

Also having dominion over this aspect, Not only will you feel much more secure with yourself, but you will also give your partner greater security. At the same time, she will feel much more confident with her body as she feels that they take care of her and her pleasure. We hope you can go through this journey by lingering on the intensity and sexual pleasure that is what really matters, focusing on experimenting to get the best sex with your favorite partner.


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