Natural Breasts or Operated Breasts, what do men prefer? Posted on 08/06/2021 By God

Natural Breasts or Operated Breasts, what do men prefer?

When men decide to seek the services of a vip escort, they may be faced with a dilemma when selecting a woman with natural breasts or fake boobs and they wonder which of the two options is best for them?

Obviously, everything will depend on the taste of each man, there are those who prefer women with good breasts and others who look at other attributes; whichever is chosen will be fine, as it is purely subjective.

Next, in this blog we will talk about how men prefer women, if with operated breasts or with natural tits, in addition to the benefits that result for a man to have a woman with these characteristics.

Operated breasts or natural breasts?

Photo 1 Natural Breasts or Operated Breasts, what do men prefer?

As mentioned at the beginning, everything will depend on the taste of the client. Any breast that is moderately cared for will have a natural appeal and if a girl knows how to create a previous environment it is much better.

For many men, natural breasts are usually their weakness and it is a bit difficult to get ones that without the need for cosmetic treatment are perfectly in place.

Benefits of natural breasts for men

The benefit of this type of breast is that the man can invent more with the woman in terms of touch. Generally, prostheses are usually very delicate and to some extent they can be touched, because what is internally is usually made of materials such as plastic or silicone, which can suffer some damage.

However, it can be a difficult task for a woman to maintain the natural breasts in good condition, and it is for this reason that they choose to get breast implants, also that apparently men like them better.

Benefits of operated breasts for men

When a horny man sees operated breasts, his imagination tends to fly much more; It is evident that the sensation of touching them cannot be described and makes any man playful from the first moment.

It is for this reason that most capital federal escorts They choose to have breasts implanted through cosmetic surgeries, although they must first generate some income, due to the fact that it is an expensive operation. For some men, sex with an operated woman is much more pleasant, although those aspects will depend on both people in bed. Finally, the breasts do not move, those who do the work are the practitioners.

What is really the preference of men based on women's breasts?

Photo 2 Natural Breasts or Operated Breasts, what do men prefer?

It is somewhat difficult to know the tastes of men, either because they want to natural tits and small or super voluminous boobs, but synthetic.

Also, many of them have complained about how hard the operated breasts are and that they cannot be massaged very well, which is why these types of men tend to like more natural girls. But really, what do men think?

Your tastes according to your economic status

According to research conducted, the amount of money a man earns influences his taste for boobs. Men who are financially stable prefer women with a small and natural bust; while those with less resources prefer them with much more bust, and preferably operated.

Hunger is an aspect that influences men's sexual cravings

According to research, hungry men selected large and operated breasts, while satisfied men preferred women with more moderate and natural breasts. Perhaps it is because those who had eaten already had their food assured, unlike those who were hungry.

Macho men prefer women with voluminous boobs

Men with sexist attitudes are believed to prefer women with prominent breasts. In this case it is convenient to have natural breasts. Another theory states that men with hostile attitudes towards women with large breasts, see them as submissive and with traditional femininity, as a woman should be according to their criteria.

Men who like submissive, but are not macho

This type of man who falls in love with submissive women and is affectionate with them, prefers them with natural breasts. According to specialists, these types of women do not usually compete with others, they also guarantee greater loyalty to men.

Size is not what matters

Regarding this point, there is no study that certifies it, but there are men who are willing to be with a specific woman and choose her for any number of qualities they saw in them and not precisely because of the size of her breasts. That is to say, they love that woman as she is; and not because of the size and shape of the breasts.


Today we have told you the types of breasts that women have and those most preferred by men. Everything will depend on tastes, but mostly they prefer them with large breasts; That is why the Argentina escorts they usually transform this part of their body to make any sexual fantasy come true and to please the taste of men.

Do not forget to visit our blog, there we will have for you many more stories, data and other information related to the fascinating world of VIP escorts.

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